Find below excerpts from newsletters that supporting groups have sent out to their members:
This morning I actually wrote a letter, a plea for climate action. I found a real envelope and a real stamp and used the wonderful guide supplied on this website
Have you ever thought of writing a letter to a politician BUT - too busy, don't know what to say, and above all "it won't make any difference" or "what's the use?". I've thought like that, often. BUT today I wrote that letter, and it will make a difference.
Robert has written a letter too. It will be one of thousands of letters all arriving at the one PO box, sorted daily by an amazing group of volunteers, and delivered en masse to Zali Steggall to make fantastic media images to promote support for her Climate Change Bill.
And Peter wrote a letter. We were on Zoom so I took a screen shot.
If you too write a letter - you and your friends and family - it will help reach the goal of thousands of letters and a great photo opp to show the politicians there are thousands of people who really do want action on climate change.
There are lots of sample letters to choose from on this website
Letters need to be in the mail by Thursday 30 September - that's six days away - so I'm sending this now before you receive our full newsletter next week (still a work in progress).
From now to September, an expected 30,000 letters will be collected in a post office locked bag in Canberra and delivered to independent parliamentarian Zali Steggall at a media photoshoot event in October. In the media, images showing the delivery of thousands of letters will tell an impressive story of the level of support Zali Steggall has from the Australian people for her proposed Climate Change Bill. It will help consolidate Steggall’s mandate to push even harder for parliamentarians across the floor to vote for it. You can read more about Zali Steggall's Climate Change Bills here
and here
Mary Stringer
for the Transition Australia team.
Our Mission
Inspiring, connecting and supporting groups to build a localised, sustainable and just future
“a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
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GS September Newsletter
19 September 2021 11:47
Mass Mailout: Plea for Climate Action
Write a real letter & post via snail mail by 30 Sept
Ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, we need to send our federal MPs a very clear message. Please support this initiative by A Different Approach Community (ADAC) in collaboration with Zali Steggall. The letters will be displayed on the lawns of Parliament House during the October sitting session. Post your letter or drawing or simple message to: Plea for Climate Action, Locked Bag 8450, Canberra, ACT 2600. Please write your postcode and email address on the back. More info